White Sheets; Maintaining This STR Staple is Easier Than You May Think
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
For many STR hosts, the idea of purchasing white sheets for their property is met with a hard "no". At Fix Linens we have fielded many questions about why white sheets are the best option- especially for those short term rental properties with high turnover. Most commonly hosts want to know; “How do I keep them clean?”, “What about stains?” and “Won’t I have to replace them more often?” Here at FIX Linens, a linen source that caters to and has designed products around the needs and wants of successful hosts, we want to assure you that white sheets are nothing to be afraid of! While the benefits of white bedding for your STR are countless and well known throughout the industry, fear of stains and the need for replacement more often may be what prompts hesitation in hosts. We would like to take this time to clear the air and to put these fears to rest. Read on to see how white cotton sheets can be cared for and maintained easily and effectively, leaving your beds dressed to impressed for future guests
The first and most basic step for keeping your white sheets bright is to keep them together. Washing whites with whites ensures that no color transfer takes place over time. We all know someone who has made the dastardly mistake of mixing one red garment into a load of whites. While the effect of this mistake is disastrous in an obvious way, mixing even a lightly printed washcloth or kitchen towel with your white linens on the regular may leave your bedding looking dingy over time. The good news? Fix-Linens sheets, with their simple sort system, are designed to be washed together.
Sheets are made for sleeping, so it is inevitable that at some point they will experience stains. Facing stains head-on with a pretreating routine will put most stains to bed.
Before laundering, do a once-over of each sheet. This is a great time to not only identify stains, but also assess for any rips or tears.
Treat any detected stains by first rinsing the area with cold water and then spot-treating with normal detergent.
Stubborn stains can be dabbed with an oxygen-based stain stick or pen and scrubbed with a small, short-bristle brush and cold water.
Please be advised that not all stains are created equally. For particularly stubborn stains, channel your inner chemist. Knowing the makeup of your stain will ensure that you use the right products to fight each stain in the right way. Click HERE to find our Ultimate Fix Stain Guide to help you combat the most common sheet stains.
Pre-soaking your sheets may also be helpful- especially if your property has experienced a bout of bookings. In most cases, pre-soaking can be done right inside your washing machine. What’s the best product for pretreating white sheets? Plain old white vinegar. Not only is this natural wonder plentiful and cost-effective, but it also naturally breaks down stains and cuts through residue like a champ. To use, just place your sheets in your washer tub with ½ cup of vinegar and warm water and soak for an hour before washing. If your machine has a soak mode, simply add vinegar to the softener compartment and run normally.
Now at this point some of you may be saying, “This is exactly why I avoid white sheets! My darker colored sheets don’t demand this much attention!” But, just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there! While white sheets put cleanliness on display, darker sheets can be hiding a host of dirt and stains. The truth is, all sheets that experience heavy use, no matter the color, benefit from pretreating and the occasional pre-soak.
Day to day upkeep of white sheets is also not as daunting as you may think. For many, the idea of a clean white sheet is one washed with bleach; but the reality may surprise you. Bleach is actually not needed or recommended when laundering white sheets. While bleach’s claim to fame is to make things whiter, washing white sheets with bleach can actually have the opposite effect. Reacting with the proteins in body oils like sweat, the chlorine in bleach can cause yellowing in your sheets and break down the natural fibers. Liquid fabric softener is another product to avoid with white sheets. As your sheets are washed, the cotton fibers get stronger and softer. Liquid softener will only leave a film on your sheets, which will mask the natural feel of the fabric and, over time, can contribute to a less vivid white.
For FIX’s 100% white cotton sheets, warm water and regular detergent is the best way to bust day to day dirt and grime. If you feel your white sheets need a little extra refresh, we recommend adding a half a cup of baking soda to the wash. This acts as a natural whitener and odor neutralizer. The juice from one lemon can also be a great whiting agent and pairs well with that white vinegar pre-soak- neutralizing any vinegar scent that may be left behind. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. If you feel a more hefty approach is necessary, you can use an oxygen-based whitener from time to time, but in most cases, regular old detergent and warm water will do the trick.
The bottom line; caring for 100% cotton white sheets takes no more time than other sheets of lesser durability and quality. In addition, a guest who crawls into a bed adorned with white sheets doesn’t have to second guess their cleanliness- they can see it with their own eyes. Find out more about the benefits of all white cotton sheets and how FIX Linens were designed with the STR host in mind by visiting fixlinens.com. While you're there, make sure to check out our tailored volume discounts!
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Written by: Cary Ballard - Freelance Writer for FIX Linens