April 8 Eclipse Brings Record Short Term Rental Bookings Within The Line of Totality
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
April 8th marks what many media outlets are calling The Great North American Eclipse. Chances are, our hosts who own short-term rentals in areas crossed by and bordering the 115-mile-wide line of totality have experienced total bookings. This stellar solar event has presented a money-making opportunity for short-term rentals in some areas of the United States that typically would be considered off-season. Many hosts started to see bookings for dates between April 4th and 7th two years ago, with properties becoming scarce and in high demand as this monumental date approaches. In fact, Airbnb reports a 300 percent uptick in property searches in the path of totality from last year. While prospective out of town spectators who were late to the game might be out of luck, hosts that have eclipse bookings can not only use this opportunity to woo future bookings, but can also take steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for their guests.
Providing an eclipse welcome basket would be a nice way to welcome your guest and gear them up for this once in a lifetime event. Include snacks or a bottle of wine with a star, moon, or sun theme. Eclipse viewing glasses would be a thoughtful touch; but when purchasing make sure to look for a product that is labeled with 'ISO', which stands for the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO is an independent organization that writes safety and quality standards.
Plan for the weather. The ability to view this event is reliant on persnickety spring weather. Stocking your property with board games or a simple deck or cards will help guests pass the time and offer an alternative in case mother nature gets in the way.
Written by: Cary Ballard - Freelance Writer for FIX Linens
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